The battle is a spiritual one, and God shows that his power is greater than all the gods of Egypt. The plagues that fell on Egypt are representative of a substantial part of the historical narrative and the biblical material. These are judgements that God sent prior to the ultimate judgement which would secure the release of his people.
It seems that when God is about to do a great work, he is silently preparing. God would work the great deliverance of his people from Egypt even when it seemed as if the clouds overhead were their darkest and heaviest.
Providence brought Pharaoh’s daughter to the right spot at the right time to find Moses in his basket. God’s timing and his methods are right. Who could have imagined that the Redeemer of God’s people would have been nurtured and trained in the palace of the very king who was oppressing them.
This chapter of Exodus introduces us to the storyline of the book and sets the context for us by explaining the situation of God’s people. They needed rescuing, and their situation seemed hopeless. God would bring his power and grace to provide them with a way out.
Despite the seventeen years of their sojourn in Egypt, the relationship between Joseph and his brothers remains precarious at best. With Jacob dead, the brothers fear that Joseph will now exact from them some terrible retribution. They fear that it has only been out of reverence for Jacob that Joseph has treated them satisfactorily. So they decide to approach Joseph and seek his full and final forgiveness.
After the period of mourning, Joseph requested permission from Pharaoh’s court to fulfill his oath and go up to Canaan to bury his father. A large assembly of dignitaries and family members began to make its way northward with chariots and horsemen providing security.
If you have experienced the death of a loved one, then you know just how precious last moments are words can be. Jacob is one hundred and forty-seven years old, and as he recognizes that he is approaching death, he is attentive to some final details including the place of his burial. He calls his family together so that he can bless them and settle some matters before it is too late.
When the family arrives a few days later, Joseph goes out in his chariot to meet them. It has been more than twenty years since father and son have seen each other. The reunion itself is full of emotion. Jacob expresses his satisfaction with life and states that he was ready to die now because he had seen for himself that his son was still alive.
This day has been a long time coming. For many years, it seemed that this day might never arrive. Judah’s speech is so extraordinary that Joseph is overcome. Sensing that he is about to break down, he dismisses his staff. Once they are alone, Joseph cannot control himself any longer and now, after his angry attitude towards his brothers, he finally breaks down and reveals his identity to them.
God used famine to bring Jacob to the place that he was willing to let go of Benjamin. Either he could hold onto his idol and risk losing his whole family to starvation or he could let go of Benjamin and trust God for the results. Finally, Jacob relented and trusted God for the outcome.
The story makes a swift transition from Egypt back to Canaan, and from Joseph back to Jacob. The change of scene is readily explained: the famine that Joseph had interpreted in Pharaoh's dream has reached Canaan. Jacob is still bewailing his lost son and refusing to be comforted.
It is two whole years before there is any change is Joseph’s state of affairs. It had been a long time since his encounter with the cupbearer. Presumably in the days immediately after the cupbearer’s release, Joseph was filled with high expectation; but, as days became weeks and weeks became months, his hopes must have waned, and the daily anticipation that he was about to be freed poisoned.
God's story continues to unfold in a way that for us is sometimes difficult to perceive, much less trust. God never breaks a promise and his plans always succeed. God's blessing and favor are bigger than any circumstances not matter how bleak they may appear because God is greater than any circumstances we may face.
From this point forward in the book of Genesis, the story is primarily focused on the life of Joseph. God has made a covenant with a family that he will use to bless everyone on earth. It started with Abraham, miraculously included Isaac, and mercifully moved to Jacob. If you have been following the story so far, then you are aware that the unprecedented blessing that God has pronounced over this family has nothing to do with their amazing character and exemplary relationships.
The first time Jacob's name change is mentioned, the focus is on the patriarch’s transformation, from “Jacob” the heel-grabber and deceiver to “Israel” the one blessed of God. Here the name renewal highlights the national importance of the name.
Spotting Esau and his four hundred men coming in the horizon, Israel prepared his family. The concubines and their children were placed in the front, then Leah and her sons, and finally Rachel and Joseph. He intended to introduce his family to Esau in the order of their importance. Israel himself was leading the way in front of his family.
After many years and the addition of more dysfunctional family, Jacob is headed to confront the problem of brother who wanted him dead. Along the way, Jacob was met by the angels of God. Encouraged by this encounter with the angels, Jacob sent a conciliatory message to his estranged brother.
Jacob’s duplicitous behavior has been established as he preyed on his brother’s foolishness and stole his birthright. Jacob was an opportunist with no scruples and taking advantage of family members in desperation. Jacob grew even more aggressive in his exploitation. This story gives us a dark picture of a dysfunctional family and the wicked actions of parents and children.
The siblings were completely different in appearance and temperament. The parents played favorites. There seem to be similar family traits being passed to the next generation. Everyone knew that Isaac, and not Ishmael, was the favorite. So we should not be surprised when we learn that Isaac and Rebekah governed their home the same way—choosing favorites (25:28).
The wood was laid on Isaac’s back, indicating that Isaac was not a small child. Abraham carried the container of hot coals and the knife. Isaac inquires about their sacrificial lamb, Abraham responded: “God will provide for himself the lamb.” The Hebrew literally reads, “God sees before him the lamb for the sacrifice.” This line of questioning is often overlooked as we move straight to the sacrifice.