
About This Time

Abraham is sitting at the door of his tent during the heat of the day when company arrives. This occasion is the last time that the word "appeared" is found during the Abraham narrative. Abraham is staying near the oaks of Mamre, which holds significance as a place where he met with God (12:6; 13:18).




These name changes show that Abraham and Sarah had changed status and were now living under God's covenant blessing. These two went from barren to blessed! These two would indeed be the mother and father of a multitude of people innumerable. This covenant with God would be to Abraham and his offspring.



Abram Believed

It is not unreasonable to have some questions. The natural question in Abram's mind is, "How is this to take place because I don't have children?" It is impossible to be a great nation when you are not even a father. Abram was looking for an explanation. Abram points to the fact that currently the closest thing to an heir would be one of his servants. God responds to Abram's discouragement by reassuring him that he would not only have a child but that his children would be like the stars in the sky.



A Major Storyline

God pursues a man named Abram to make a promise that had nothing to do with what Abram could or could not do. This covenant is initiated and sustained by God. This story is not merely some historical activity to observe and see God's work in history; this is a major story line that will impact the rest of the story.



Say What?

There is nothing wrong with building a tower. Perhaps they wanted a new architectural feat to admire. Being close by in a community with one language doesn't seem all that bad either. The problem is that they not only disobeyed God, but they wanted to make a name for themselves. Instead of trusting God, they would glorify and fortify themselves. God did not come down because he was unaware of what was taking place, nor did he fear the people working as one. His visitation is there to remind us that he is and always will be involved with his creation.



God Doesn't Forget

The flood has accomplished its purpose, and now God begins to restore his creation. God's dominion over creation is on display as he closes the fountains of the deep, shuts the windows of heaven, restrains the rain, and directs the wind to dry up the floodwaters. The Ark came to rest.



Judgment, Destruction, and Salvation

The story of Noah is a Sunday School classic. It comes home with art and animals. Nurseries are decorated with this as the theme. However, to look at this as only a whimsical children's story is to neglect what the story actually tells us occurred. This is a frightening story that should shake us into a sober awareness of the truth that sin brings the judgment, wrath, and death.



A Sad Tale of Loss

The story has been amazing as the loving, creative God makes and establishes a happy home for fellowship and enjoyment.  The apex of his creation assumes the roles and responsibilities in a blissful existence. However, Genesis three takes a terrible and unforeseen turn. A new character appears in the story without warning and catches the reader off guard.


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The Genesis of All Things

Genesis gives us the origin story, but the inception of this story is a start that one cannot begin to fully comprehend. God exists eternally, but Genesis gives a glimpse of eternity past before God created anything. It shows that God chose to create and show his power through divine and spoken word.

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