Exodus 12
When I See The Blood
God wants Moses and Aaron to understand the importance of what was about to take place. The last plague would be different, and the impending events were so significant that the calendar would begin with its observation. Every household was to take a lamb with the exception that smaller families could join together. The sacrifice could come from sheep or goats. The animal selected was to be a one-year-old male without blemish. The lamb was kept for four days, then slain at twilight and the blood which was caught in a basin was to be applied to the doorposts. The lamb was to be roasted, paired with unleavened bread and bitter herbs, and eaten in one sitting. The Passover meal would be eaten in one sitting with haste. God's people were to be dressed for an abrupt departure. The people should have sandals on their feet, a staff in their hand, and their robe tucked into their belt. The blood covering their homes was a sign, and when the Lord passed through the land, he would pass over those homes and they would be spared from death. The Passover was to be a memorial feast. The feast of unleavened bread was to last seven days. All leaven was to be removed from the house on the first day of the feast and the first, and seventh days were designated as days for a holy assembly. No work was allowed on these days except food preparation. The celebration was to begin the same day that the Passover lamb was slain. Anyone who failed to obey during the seven days was to be cut off from the congregation of Israel. Moses called the elders and detailed God's commands. The Exodus was to be a story told to successive generations.
The Exodus
Exodus twelve is so important because there are important themes and issues in this chapter, the two most important being blood redemption and the Passover. Death was coming, but God’s people could avoid judgment through the death of a substitute. A lamb was slain, and its blood covered a home. However, not just any lamb could be used for the purpose of redemption. The lamb must be without blemish, and every household could take refuge under the blood of the lamb or perish. The blood of the Passover lamb was not only a sign for Israel, but for God who would pass over when he saw the blood. God’s justice would be satisfied and his honor vindicated through the death of the lamb. The plague of death to the firstborn struck in the middle of the night. Every home experienced loss as God struck down the firstborn males of Egypt. Even the firstborn of the livestock were affected. The Egyptians were devastated, and they expressed their grief. Weeping could be heard throughout the land of Egypt. Pharaoh broke his own word that he would never see Moses again and he summoned him during the night. There was no compromise. Pharaoh totally capitulated. The Israelites were to worship their God as they had requested. Before their departure, however, Pharaoh asked that they pronounce a blessing on him. Hearing of this edict from Pharaoh, the Egyptians urged the Israelites to leave because they feared for their own lives if the slaves remained much longer. The descendants of Jacob make their way out of Egypt, and the Egyptians were so eager to see Israel leave that they paid them with silver, gold, and clothing. The Israelites “plundered” their captors before leaving. There were no battles or fights. The people followed Moses’ instructions and asked the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold. At Succoth, God taught his people. Passover was only for the circumcised, including Gentiles who were converted. All of Passover was to be celebrated in a home. No bone of the Passover lamb was to be broken. God had rescued his people and brought them out of the land of Egypt.
Things To Consider:
- What significant events mark our calendar?
- How is Jesus our Passover lamb?
- What does blood symbolize?
- Why do we need memorials?
- Why is it important to pass God's story to the next generation?
- Why does death accompany judgment?
- Why do you think Pharaoh asks for a blessing?
- What do we learn about God's word?
- What to we learn about patience?