Reading Assignment
Things To Consider
- Stephen uses history to show the pattern of disobedience that these leaders are like their rebellious ancestors.
- Stephen even uses the same type of language to connect them with the wilderness generation.
- Stephen saw the glory of God and that strengthened him to endure death.
- Stephen fulfilled his mission and bore witness of Christ.
- Stephen "fell asleep" because the resurrection is real.
- God grows the church through opposites in Stephan and Saul.
- The gospel spreads to Samaria following the pattern set forth by Jesus.
- There was joy in the city because of the work Philip was doing.
- Simon does not understand that the Holy Spirit is subjected to the apostles but on the contrary the apostle's are subject to Him.
- Simon wanted the power, not to submit to it but rather to control it.
- The Ethiopian shows the scope of God's concern for all people.
- Upon belief, faith is seen in obedience.