Reading Assignment
Things To Consider
- Esther risked everything but she was not reckless.
- Favor is from the Lord.
- Esther is shrewd in the way she confronts the problem.
- She invites them to one feast and then to another.
- Haman's narcissism only grows with this exclusive treatment.
- All is well until he sees Haman and then the whole day is lost to anger.
- Anger can consume you.
- The sleepless king asks for a book to read and by the hand of providence is guided to the story of Mordecai.
- The king asked what had been done because you want to reward people for protecting you so that others will feel compelled to do the same regardless of their motivation.
- Haman is so caught up in himself that he thinks it must be all about him.
- Imagine Haman's face when he finds out this is for Mordecai and he has to participate.
- Notice the poetry at the close of the chapter – Mordecai will not bow and everyone tells Haman that he will fall before Mordecai.