Reading Assignment
Things To Consider
- How do you harness language to describe an infinite God?
- Many try to imagine the scene but the point is that God speaks.
- Ezekiel sees these cherubim more than once.
- Ezekiel sees the majesty of God which serves as a reminder that God rules and reigns even in captivity.
- When God manifests himself, the response is always fear.
- God is aware of our problems.
- This priest prophet receives his mission.
- The regular directive of God is fear not.
- The prophet received divine revelation from God. This was not keen insight and opinion.
- There is bitterness in judgment.
- The watchman has his responsibilities specified.
- The Lord will restore his people.
- The bones were possibly remnants of people slain during battle.
- A priest would have been careful not to touch the bones.
- God's decree must have seemed far fetched.
- If God can raise bones, can he not restore his people?
- One King in a covenant of peace – Jesus.