Finish – Day Twenty-Seven


Finish – Day Twenty-Seven

These are possibly the last words that came from Paul to this beloved minister. Paul is keenly aware of what awaits, and he wants to give some final counsel to his son in the faith Timothy. Paul charges this young minister after having ministered himself for around thirty years to preach the word.


Finish – Day Twenty-Six


Finish – Day Twenty-Six

The Bible completes the individual and equips them for every good work. There is no such thing as a disciple that does not make their home in the word. Jesus measures love by obedience, but one cannot obey if they have no idea what Jesus commands. The word is what we live by and many people who call themselves Christian suffer from the self-deception that they can create their own faith through works and feelings. It is only the sacred writings that make one wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.


Finish – Day Twenty-Five


Finish – Day Twenty-Five

The essence of discipleship is following me as I follow Jesus. Paul has personally invested in Timothy and discipled him through a variety of circumstances. Paul speaks words of grace over Timothy as he acknowledges that Timothy has followed well after him. He has received, learned and put into practice Paul's teaching.


Finish – Day Twenty-Four


Finish – Day Twenty-Four

There is also a great danger in believing that the appearance of godliness is a substitute for holiness. It is possible to participate in the outward ritual of worship, hymns, prayers, and liturgy all the while knowing nothing of the power of the Holy Spirit. This empty formality and empty religion makes empty souls.


Finish – Day Twenty-Three


Finish – Day Twenty-Three

When a minister seeks to correct someone walking in error, it should be motivated by love and gentle. The desired result the minister seeks should not be to win an argument; rather it should be for repentance and reconciliation. The enemy snares people with the hope of destruction, let the minister come to the aid of those in need of rescue with the balm of Gilead. 


Finish – Day Twenty-Two


Finish – Day Twenty-Two

Paul gives Timothy wise counsel when he instructs him to remember Jesus. It was not that he thought Timothy would have a mental lapse and forget the basic tenets of the gospel, rather it was the reminder to hold fast to the truth of the gospel no matter what. Treated with contempt as a criminal and bound in chains, this faithful servant tells the young minister that Christ should be first in our thoughts.


Finish – Day Twenty-One


Finish – Day Twenty-One

Now, Paul urges him to pass on the truth of the gospel to the next generation. Paul is well aware that his end is drawing near, and he is considering the future as he writes to Timothy. He directs Timothy to the heart of discipleship and the training of future leaders. Timothy is to train faithful men from among his people at Ephesus who are qualified to carry on gospel proclamation and teaching others as well. 


Finish – Day Twenty


Finish – Day Twenty

Suffering or difficulty may lead followers of Jesus to become silent or feel shame because of the perception of those who are not of faith. When one faces ridicule from those who doubt God's goodness, they may feel much more personal and powerful when facing suffering. As a prisoner, Paul urges Timothy not to be ashamed of Christ or their circumstances.


Finish – Day Nineteen


Finish – Day Nineteen

Great tenderness is communicated to Paul's beloved child in the faith. This love is brought about by the unmerited favor, undeserved blessing, and unfathomable peace from God the Father and Jesus Christ the Lord. Paul is filled with thankfulness as he faces death and is separated from this beloved son in the faith.


Finish – Day Eighteen


Finish – Day Eighteen

The life of this young minister was a life of fighting, keeping, and guarding himself. Timothy had been entrusted with the teaching that God has revealed to Paul and the other apostles, and now it was his duty to defend it and keep it free from additions or subtractions. God’s Word is invested with his authority.


Finish – Day Seventeen


Finish – Day Seventeen

The desire to acquire wealth is dangerous, and it presents people with many temptations. It may seem harmless, but it is a snare and a trap that will plunge people into ruin and destruction. The money monster is never satisfied. It always needs more. Money is not evil in itself, but the love of it is the genesis of all kinds of evil.


Finish – Day Sixteen


Finish – Day Sixteen

Paul returns to address the people who have been bringing erroneous theology into the church in Ephesus. Theology always matters, and there is extensive damage that is done when faulty theology is espoused within the local church. When teaching does not agree with Jesus, it is not sound and should not be followed.


Finish – Day Fifteen


Finish – Day Fifteen

 Individuals who were typically separated in society could be found in a vibrant community that loved each other which served as an apologetic for the church and God. The question was, "What were they to do now that they were free in Christ?" The answer was that they were to live in such a way that the name of God would not be reviled, and this was to be accomplished by showing respect to their masters.


Finish – Day Fourteen


Finish – Day Fourteen

Timothy faced significant challenges because some elders opposed him and were trying to establish their own leadership and governance. They had usurped the apostle’s teaching, introduced false concepts and were actively building a following within the church in Ephesus.


Finish – Day Thirteen


Finish – Day Thirteen

The purpose of these detailed instructions is to guide the church in Ephesus back to its mission. This welfare initiative had been taken advantage of by women who had no intention of following Christ and was being abused by Christian women who had become troublemakers and busybodies. The church was losing her way and falling into confusion as its modus operandi was undermined.


Finish – Day Twelve


Finish – Day Twelve

These are timeless principles which should be practiced within the church which will help to keep good and healthy relationships. Our culture does not always honor those who are older. Instead of recognizing that there may be value in the wisdom and experience these precious mothers and fathers in the faith represent, they are sometimes too quickly dismissed because they have a different outlook or are perceived as too antiquated in their ideas.


Finish – Day Eleven


Finish – Day Eleven

It seems that some of the believers in Ephesus may have objected to Timothy's leadership because of his age. Paul exhorts Timothy not to be discouraged but instead he was to set an example for the believers. Exemplary speech must be more than just a sermon; words show the posture of the heart.


Finish – Day Ten


Finish – Day Ten

The quality of a teacher's service is not solely determined by effort; content is essential. Timothy is charged to keep the truth before the brothers because he had been trained in faith and doctrine. Paul admonished him to avoid myths, superstitions, and arguments and train for godliness.



Finish – Day Nine

There was great danger facing the church from false teachers. People departed from the faith that had been delivered by the apostles and affirmed in the Scriptures. Instead, they began to devote themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons. Although these ideas were taught by men, the source was found in dark and unseen things.



Finish – Day Eight

1 Timothy is an appeal for Timothy and the Christians in Ephesus to address an urgent situation facing this church. Paul plans to come and visit soon, but the matter is so urgent that he thinks it best to address it as quickly as possible. The church must know how they are to behave in the household of God. He wants them to have a practical knowledge that will enable the church to take pragmatic steps to get things in order.
