John Nix

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No Condemnation, No Separation

Reading For Friday Romans 8:1-39

This passage offers riches unfathomable. Romans eight gives the Christian beauty and truth laden with robust theology. It explains in detail what it means to be a Christian and describes the work of the Holy Spirit. Paul begins with no condemnation and concludes with no separation and a lifetime cannot provide enough time or space to plumb the depths of this passage. We must be content to gaze upon only a few truths that will captivate both heart and mind, but do not lament for you can return again and again for refreshment. 

God's condemnation does not rest on the believer in Christ. The Christian is set free from sin and death. God himself satisfied the righteous demands of the law in the person and work of Jesus. The word spirit is used twenty-one times and only two (verses 15 and 16) does it refer to anything other than the Holy Spirit. Paul contrasts life in the Spirit with life in the flesh. We are exhorted to deal ruthlessly with the works of the flesh and put them to death. As those that have been set free, we are no longer slaves to sin, and we have the assurance that comes from the Holy Spirit reminding us that we have been adopted as joint heirs with Jesus and children of the living God. 

Suffering is a part of existence in this fallen world, and Paul points out that creation is longing for redemption, and we too eagerly await Supreme adoption and redemption. Creation has been subjected to futility but there is hope, and we are to wait with patience. We are not alone, and we have help in our weakness as the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf. Even if there are times in our lives where we are unsure of what to pray, the Holy Spirit communicates on our behalf. God has decreed, accomplished, and applied salvation. Because of this truth, all things are working toward his glory and our good. He is saving to the uttermost. 

Paul pauses to let us catch our breath and then praise rises. God is for us. God gave himself for our redemption. Who shall charge or seek to condemn God's elect? Christ, our elder brother, is at the right hand of God, and he interceded on our behalf. Is there anything greater than the love of God? What can separate us from the love of God? No, we are more than conquerors because we are in Christ who has conquered all foes, and he is our Lord!

Things To Consider: 

  • Why are we not under the condemnation of God any longer?
  • How did God give us our freedom?
  • How is Jesus' fulfillment of the law our fulfillment of the law?
  • Why do we sin if we are free?
  • What are some of the things that the Holy Spirit does for us?
  • How do we put sin to death?
  • How does the Spirit help us with assurance?
  • How should we think about suffering? Why?
  • How marvelous is God's love?
  • How should you respond to this truth?