The Sabbath is sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.
Sunday is the first day of the week.
Everyone must accept the resurrection by faith.
We still establish the truth through the testimony and eyewitness accounts of others so the women accept the testimony of the angels, the disciples must trust the women, we must trust the disciples.
Angels appeared at the beginning of Jesus' earthly life and they now appear at the beginning of Jesus' resurrected life.
According to Matthew, the angel rolled the stone away.
Angels frightened the shepherds and the angels frighten the Roman guards.
Joy turns to worship as they encounter Jesus.
The Jews fabricate a story to try and prevent the truth from getting out.
Mountains are a regular theme for significant events in scripture – Jesus' sermon, temptation, transfiguration, and even back to the events at Sinai so this follows accordingly.
Jesus claims absolute authority.
Salvation is for the nations and we are to make disciples.