Week 26 - Monday: The Plot Unfolds
John Nix
Reading Assignment
Things To Consider
- Jesus speaks of not just his death, but the manner in which it will take place.
- Jesus is anointed in preparation for his death.
- Judas strikes a deal.
- Jesus gives new significance to the Passover meal.
- Jesus warns them but Peter's pride leads to a disturbing prophetic word.
- This communion in the garden left Jesus sorrowful and troubled.
- Jesus endured not because he had no choice (he had angels at his disposal) but because he chose to obey even unto death.
- Even false witnesses could not convict Jesus of any wrong doing.
- The Jews did not have the authority to kill Jesus. They would need Roman permission.
- Pilate's wife had suffered in a dream and sent word to her husband to leave him alone.
- The people were so blood-thirsty that did not even fear God.
- The curtain was torn because Jesus is the sacrifice, the priest, and the temple.