Week 26 - Friday: It Is Finished
John Nix
Reading Assignment
Things To Consider
- It is better that Jesus left so that the Spirit could come.
- God the Spirit is the agent of conviction.
- Hope feeds joy.
- There will be tribulation in the world.
- Eternal life comes through Jesus.
- Jesus has moved from humiliation to exaltation.
- Jesus' prayer here is for believers.
- The word is linked to our sanctification.
- Christ was bound / Peter was free
- Christ was truthful / Peter was not
- Christ faced violence / Peter faced a girl
- Christ showed courage / Peter was a coward
- The Jews were so angry they would claim that they fully belonged to Caesar.
- Jesus cared for his mother to the end.
- The work was complete – it is finished.
- The Jews wanted to speed death so they asked for the legs to be broken.
- Prophecy was fulfilled. This was always God's plan.