John Nix

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Week 24 - Thursday: Sending, Serving, Seeking

Reading Assignment

Things To Consider

  1. This teaches us that at this time there were seventy more who were sufficiently strong in spiritual understanding to go out in the Lord’s name.
  2. We must learn to rely on the Lord's provision.
  3. We must pray for laborers.
  4. Miracles do not insure faith.
  5. Find the joy of service and see that service is its own reward.
  6. Satan is a defeated foe and Jesus' authority knows no limitation.
  7. Knowing the right answers does not make you right with Jesus.
  8. Distraction can keep us from the most important things.
  9. Luke 15 is all about lost things and the Son seeking and saving.
  10. Everyone matters and has value.
  11. The father did not say, "I told you so," he received him back with joy.
  12. The older brother shows the attitude of the religious leaders concerning Jesus spending time with "sinners".