Week 17 - Wednesday: Israel Refuses To Repent
John Nix
Reading Assignment
Jeremiah 1-2, 4-5, 21
Things To Consider
- God has a clear purpose for Jeremiah.
- God knows the times and the circumstances that we are born to.
- Jeremiah is probably 12-16 years old... age is no barrier for service.
- God promises to be with Jeremiah.
- God is rendering judgment and is laying out the facts of the case.
- The Lord gives Jeremiah assurance even though he is uncertain.
- God's people have been faithless while He has remained faithful.
- Infidelity comes with consequences.
- Pictures are used to describe their idolatry.
- We often want to blame God for all our troubles.
- There is fruit when repentance is true.
- Jeremiah struggles beneath weight of God's judgment.
- It is as if God is reversing creation.
- Symbolic acts served as a visual representation of God's word.
- The people refused to repent and willful disobedience is costly.
- Judgment and hope are mixed.
- Some inquire of Jeremiah to see what the Lord has to say in spite of the fact that he has been clear about his position.
- The people were over confident.