John Nix is a follower of Jesus Christ, a husband, dad, friend, international conference speaker and Bible communicator. He is the founder and chief communicator of Vertical Purpose Ministries, a Memphis based nonprofit organization. John loves people and always seems to be smiling and laughing with someone. John loves his family and will tell you that he is a pastor to his family first. He is passionate about communicating the gospel and loves sharing the great story of God.

John is an innovative Gospel communicator that uses what he calls the expository narrative to bring clarity when it comes to the Gospel. People need truth and are desperate for purpose. Through high-energy, engaging, humorous and gospel-centered messages, John communicates the life changing truth of Jesus Christ in a way that is easy to understand. He challenges people everywhere to find their “Vertical Purpose” by setting God as their highest value, discovering the truth of scripture, and responding in obedience as God speaks. John is recognized as an influential communicator and serves as the Pastor for Camp Electric, a worship and rock ‘n roll music camp that features amazing Christian artists such as Toby Mac, Jeremy Camp, Sanctus Real, Skillet, Pillar and many others. John also serves each summer as camp pastor with Crossings Camps and LifeWay Camps. He leads campus Bible studies, Disciple Now weekends, marriage retreats, parenting seminars, conferences and revivals impacting people in the United States and around the world.

John and his wife Allison along with their three children Sarah, Sydney, and Simeon make their home in Collierville, Tennessee.