God is love – what a remarkable thing to read. This is the attribute of God known by most and quickly embraced although not fully understood and often misused.
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Each day we release a prayer starter which is just a word or a phrase intended to help set a trajectory for your prayers. Here I give you an example of how I use these in my own prayer life in the hopes that it would bring clarity and serve as a template for your ongoing use.
The word study brings with it implications that most students find distasteful because that word is most often associated with being commanded to study by teachers and parents. Our rebel hearts don't like anyone telling us what to do or giving us a deadline and the accountability that forces our hand. Combine this with a potential lack of desire or laziness in the application of our minds upon any academic subject and the word study is viewed negatively. However, upon closer examination, we must confess that if the definition of study is as Webster's says, "A setting of the mind or thoughts upon a subject; hence,application of mind to books, arts, or science, or to any subject, for the purpose of acquiring knowledge." then I think we must agree that we love to study.
For many, this is not just a new year, but a new semester at school. It is the time where we struggle to get back into the regular routine of our schedule and school.
The setting of goals and working to see them fulfilled is a good thing. We should be a resolute people.