It's Monday... that statement alone feels like it should be followed by an apology and a hug. The declaration that it's Monday is generally assumed to be negative because Monday is presumed to be inherently bad. The fact that it is Monday also means that yesterday was Sunday. There you go and you're welcome. I have solved the mystery of "what day was yesterday" and demonstrated a complete understanding of how the days of the week are ordered. Thank you Kindergarten with Mrs. Wisenhunt and mom. But I digress... Many of you gathered yesterday as the church for corporate worship. I pray that you gave yourself to singing, studying the scripture and to the fellowship of the saints.
Side note– if you are a follower of Jesus and are not regularly gathering with other believers, change that immediately and get thee to a gathering.
Monday means that it is time to resume our regular activities, which feels like being launched out of a cannon. Our frenetic pace of life is usually something that one just hopes to somehow survive. But, Monday may also bring with it a serious case of amnesia as we lose sight of what we learned during the Sunday gathering. The addition of school, practice, a busy day at work, or stress can cause us to quickly forget God's goodness as the benefits that we enjoyed on Sunday seem to disappear as if nothing ever happened. God has generously given us pastors, teachers, leaders, singers, and other spiritual siblings to aid us along the journey and provided us with music, correction, helpful reminders, and biblical instruction. Don't get Monday amnesia and forget all the wonderful ways that God has blessed. Don't fail to recall the confessions, convictions, and leading you experienced Sunday. Hold fast to the truth that was made clear. Walk in obedience. Remember the Lord who gives benefits, forgives, heals, redeems, crowns with steadfast love and mercy, satisfies and renews us. Never forget that the LORD is good regardless of circumstances and conditions.