Reverb is a list of articles I've read online that I found thought-provoking, fun, strange or serious. Some of these articles might expose you to different ways of seeing the world and thinking.
Dude Perfect: The Super Bowl
Super Bowl stereotypes... you will recognize all of them.
Jonathan Dodson at Gospel-Centered Discipleship: 2 Big Reasons Evangelism Isn’t Working
Rehearsing a memorized fact, “Jesus died on the cross for your sins,” isn’t walking in wisdom... There are some good reminders here for us. We often treat people as projects or try to win arguments rather than truly loving them.
Russell Moore: Abortion and the Gospel
The issue of abortion matters. It is a polarizing issue that can be hurtful in the way it is discussed. Your self-righteousness and condemnation will not change the hearts of anyone. There is solid counsel here about remembering the gospel – all of it including the mercy and grace that comes through Christ Jesus.
Christianity Today: The Most Important Thing About the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is sometimes the forgotten person of the trinity or the overemphasized person. How are we to think about His work? There are some helpful thoughts here from JD Greer about what gets missed.
Tim Challies: It Is a Hurrying, Bustling Age
This is a good reminder about self-examination. The discipline of solitude and careful examination of matters of the heart are often left to sentimental and emotional group exercises. We do not need to neglect community or the importance of gathering together, but we need to consider carefully our state and the posture of our hearts.
Thom Ranier: Six Observations about Speaking to Pastors Right Before They Preach
Timing is everything. Sometimes we need to consider the sober task that lies before the preacher when he speaks to a congregation. Stop and think before you speak.