The Disconnected Heart And Mind
The word study brings with it implications that most students find distasteful because that word is most often associated with being commanded to study by teachers and parents. Our rebel hearts don't like anyone telling us what to do or giving us a deadline and the accountability that forces our hand. Combine this with a potential lack of desire or laziness in the application of our minds upon any academic subject and the word study is viewed negatively. However, upon closer examination, we must confess that if the definition of study is as Webster's says, "A setting of the mind or thoughts upon a subject; hence,application of mind to books, arts, or science, or to any subject, for the purpose of acquiring knowledge." then I think we must agree that we love to study.
The barrier to this is that we the things that interest us and what we perceive to be valuable. This week almost every news source is studying how the Packers lost, whether or not the New England Patriots cheated and what every line of the State of the Union Address meant for America. We study in slow motion every sporting event. We study every detail of the outfits worn on the red carpet. We study... a lot. Have you ever watched guys in their study of girls, or a gamer study strategy for a new game or team play, or everyone study social media? We study and we like to study but our study is generally limited to the things that interest us and that is a very subjective practice and potentially unwise approach to study.
“Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” (Colossians 4:5–6, ESV)
I think Sir William Temple was correct. If we are to have strength of mind and our conversation is to have grace, then we must set our minds to the study of grace which will be found in the pages of sacred scripture. If we are to know how to speak and how we should answer, we must study the word of God.
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16–17, ESV)
Do not let your obligations academically hinder the study of God's word. If you are looking for some encouragement and help in this pursuit, then click here.