#GearUp Camp Electric - Orlando
I love the rhythm and energy at CE. It's great to be with so many talented musicians from all over the world. I love to watch new relationships begin and bands form. One of the things that helps people that don't know each other at CE find common ground is their gear. Conversations start up between complete strangers when the gear comes out. Just ask a lead guitar guy about his pedal board and in less than five minutes, he'll give you the entire history of it, complete with a diagram of the layout and a list of the things he wants to add as soon as possible.
Let's be honest -- musicians love their gear, probably a little too much. Musicians seem to always be looking to trade, buy, or swap out gear to improve sound and gain the ability to do new things. Gear is essential for a musician and every musician has to have some (even singers need a good microphone and some way to hear themselves). It is a "must have" if you want to play in the band and problems with your gear can stop a concert, leaving you in a really bad place.
This year at Camp Electric we are talking about gear. The gear we are discussing is also called the armor of God and is listed in Ephesians 6:10-20. This passage reminds us that there are bigger things going on than what we can see. There is a constant battle raging in the cosmos and we need the right gear in order to stand.
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” (Ephesians 6:10–11, ESV)
Our theme is Gear Up and if we are not careful we will miss the key to the entire study. This all about God and his provision; not about you and your abilities. We are admonished to be strong – in the LORD and the strength of HIS might. Put on HIS armor. This is the truth of the gospel. We cannot save ourselves and we need an alien righteousness. There is no strength to be had if we are not in HIM and there is no gear unless HE makes the provision for it.
The wonderful thing is that our great God has provided the perfect gear in order to stand even when our enemy rages and attacks.